Saki Wiki
Season 1, episode 3
Saki achgia


Episode information
Kanji: 接触
Rōmaji: Sesshoku
Air date: April 23, 2012
Written by: Tatsuhiko Urahata
Directed by: Manabu Ono
Opening theme: Miracle Rush
Ending theme: Futuristic Player
Episode guide
Episode 2
Episode 4

The Opening "Miracle Rush" sung by StylipS.

The Ending "Futuristic Player" sung by Miyuki Hashimoto.


At the prefectural tournament, the Achiga team defeats Bansei in the first round and eventually qualifies for the nationals. To train for the nationals tournament, Harue schedules the club to play against any prefectural runner-ups. Immediately, Ako utters "Nagano", Kiyosumi's prefecture, as the first one to visit, and therefore, they play against Ryūmonbuchi High. There, Koromo Amae overwhelmingly defeats Shizuno but doesn't discourage her or the team. Shizuno ask Koromo that she really did loss to Nodoka, which she decline and said that she was defeated by their Rin-Shan user, Saki Miyanaga.

Then, the excited team proceeds to defeat other schools runner-up in other prefectures, but among all the match all of them couldn't defeat Kei Arakawa, which Harue explain that she is the last year runner-up in the individual tournament. After a ten day training camp, the girls set off for the nationals. While stopping at a rest stop, Shizuno and the others meet Toki Onjouji and Ryuuka Shimizudani from Senriyama Girl's High, who are also seeded in the nationals. As the club finally reaches the nationals, they briefly walk pass Saki Miyanaga


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