Saki Wiki
Season 1, episode 5
Saki achgia


Episode information
Kanji: 郷軍
Rōmaji: Satogun
Air date: May 7, 2012
Written by: Tatsuhiko Urahata
Directed by: Manabu Ono
Opening theme: Miracle Rush
Ending theme: Square Panic Serenade
Episode guide
Episode 4
Episode 6

The Opening "Miracle Rush" sung by StylipS.

The Ending "Square Panic Serenade" sung by Aoi Yuki, nao Toyama, Kana Hanazawa, Mako and Yumi Uchiyama.


As the vanguard match begins, Toki's ability to see one turn ahead puts pressure on Kuro, whose dora-style renders her defense play weak and predictable. Not only that, adding by her ippatsu ability, she easily dominate this match with ease thanks to the data collected by her team mates Hiroko Funakubo, thus this Kuro left ineffective and sitting duck. With the match vanguard finish, Senriyama have collected 80000 points ahead of Achiga which left Kuro in tears, Yu quickly see her little sister and steps into the second match motivated to get back the points Kuro lost, while Senriyama still hopes to use the information they gathered on against her.


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