Saki Wiki
Kaho Haramura
Personal info
Japanese name: 原村 嘉帆 (野呂 嘉帆)
Birthday: January 25
Family: Nodoka Haramura (daughter)
Kei Haramura (husband)
Height: 154 cm (5'1")
Debut: Saki, round 156

Kaho Haramura (原村 嘉帆 Haramura Kaho), née Kaho Noro (野呂 嘉帆 Noro Kaho), is the wife of Kei Haramura and the mother of Nodoka Haramura who works as a public prosecutor and because of her work, the family often moves to a new prefecture every few years. Before settling in Nagano Prefecture, they previously lived in Nara Prefecture.


Kaho has shoulder-length dark pink hair that has a small hair clip on the left side, blue eyes, an hourglass figure and very large breasts.


In contrast to Kei Haramura, Kaho is a laid-back and cheerful woman who doesn't believe that Nodoka Haramura should be forced to move if she's unable to win the tournament, and would choose to where live based on the weather, showing that she's far less concerned with practical matters than Kei is.


National Championship Arc[]

Kaho is late to the family reunion because she was stopped at the door due to her dress code and only got in thanks to a hostess remembering her face. She then congratulates her daughter for making it to the finals. Kei Haramura and Nodoka Haramura then recall the promise they made to each other, one that Kaho has not approved of and does not believe Nodoka should have been forced to make. She then says that if she had the freedom to move, she would go to Okinawa because of the mild summers and the low pollen level.

During Nodoka's match she is shown in a flashback. She puts Nodoka in a private room while she is recovering from appendicitis and visits her every day.


  • The name Kaho means "praise, auspicious" (嘉) (ka) and "sail" (帆) (ho).
  • Kaho's surname Haramura means "field, plain" (原) (hara) and "town, village" (村) (mura).
    • Her maiden name Noro means "field, wilderness" (野) (no) and "spine, backbone" (呂) (ro).


  • Kaho is 44 years old.