Saki Wiki
Hyakka Kurumai
Kurumai Hyakka
Personal info
Japanese name: 車井 百花
Birthday: July 28
School: Bansei High School
Grade: First-year high school
Debut: Saki Achiga-hen, Chapter 3
Live-action actor: Momoko Okazaki
Position: Reserve

Hyakka Kurumai (車井 百花 Kurumai Hyakka) is a first year student at Bansei High School.


Hyakka has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.

She wears the standard Bansei High uniform.


Preparation Arc[]

Hyakka first appears when she and Hatsuse Okahashi met Ako Atarashi outside of a supermarket. After a brief conversation, they notice Ako getting picked up by Harue Akado. When their senior named Yae Kobashiri comes out of the supermarket and tells them Achiga might be good opponents, she is taken aback. Later at the prefectural tournament, she was seen rooting for her team along with Hatsuse.

Playing Style/Abilities[]

Not much is shown, but Hyakka could not make the bench for Bansei High School.


  • The name Hyakka means "hundred" (百) (hyak) and "flower, blossom" (花) (ka).
  • Hyakka's surname Kurumai means "car" (車) (kurama) and "well, mine shaft, pit" (井) (i).