Saki Biyori (咲日和) is a 4-koma manga series written and illustrated by Saya Kiyoshi. The manga is published by Square Enix and began regular serialization in Young Gangan on June 17, 2011 and Big Gangan on October 25, 2011, and ended its serialization on March 24, 2018. The manga chapters are collected in seven volumes.
An anime adaptation in form of an OAD was bundled with the special edition of the 14th volume of the Saki manga which was released on July 25, 2015.
Saki Biyori has no main goal and is used to tell side stories within the Saki Universe.
Saki Biyori uses many characters from Saki and Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A, including some of the more minor characters.
Ikeda triplets[]
The triplets are the younger sisters of Kana Ikeda.
Tsuruga Academy[]
Tsuruga is a rival of Kiyosumi High School in the Nagano Prefecture.
Kiyosumi High School[]
Kiyosumi is located in the Nagano Prefecture.
Ryuumonbuchi High School[]
Ryuumonbuchi is a rival of Kiyosumi High School in the Nagano Prefecture.
Kazekoshi Girls' High School[]
Kazekoshi is a rival of Kiyosumi High School in the Nagano Prefecture.
Kouko Fukuyo[]
Kouko works for Inter High Radio but also does televised broadcasts with her partner Sukoya Kokaji.
Sukoya Kokaji[]
Sukoya is a professional mahjong player and also works as a commentator with her partner Kouko Fukuyo.