Shindouji Girls' High School, located in Fukuoka Prefecture, is a national tournament rival of Achiga Girls' Academy in the spin-off manga Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A and its anime adaptation.
Shindouji is the strongest school in northern Kyushu. Kaede Hiyomori is the club manager, and Etsuko Sudayama the coach. Since the beginning of last year, Shindouji has switched their line-up because of bad results in the past national tournaments. Now the team has been re-structured from weakest to strongest. The fifth strongest member of the club, Akari Tomokiyo, was skipped in favor of Kirame Hanada since Kirame has the strange ability to never lose all her points, thus making her more suited to play against teams that put their ace in the vanguard position.
- Girls' team tournament
- Kirame Hanada (vanguard)
- Yoshiko Yasukouchi (sergeant)
- Hitomi Ezaki (lieutenant)
- Mairu Shirouzu (vice captain)
- Himeko Tsuruta (captain)
61st Inter High[]
- Main article: 61st Inter High School Mahjong Championships
71st Inter High[]
- Main article: 71st Inter High School Mahjong Championships
- Shindouji is considered Northern Kyushu's strongest school, as Eisui the 4th seed in the interhigh is considered Kyushu's strongest school.
- Despite this, Shindouji finished in a better spot than Eisui, proceeding into the semifinals.
- Of the schools in the 5th place match, Shindouji is the only school that does not represent a prefecture that has two representatives: Himematsu and Senriyama represent Osaka, and Usuzan represents South Hokkaido.
- Of the schools who made it to the side-A semifinals, Shindouji is the only school who didn't field a first-year.
- It shares this trait with side-B semifinalist, Himematsu.
- However, had Kirame not possess the ability to hardly lose more than 20,000 points, Shindouji would've fielded Akari Tomokiyo, a first year.
- Shindouji has faced Achiga in both of their appearances in the Interhigh, both times at the semifinals.
- Shindouji is the only school that has two aces, as Mairu and Himeko have a known combination ability.